About Us Reedley 4-H is a branch of the Fresno County 4-H Youth Development Program. The 4-H program is conducted to the University of California Cooperative Extension. At the club level, the Community Club Leaders (CCL) and the project leaders are adult volunteers. These adults accept the responsibility of being a leader because they enjoy teaching and working with 4-H members. Junior leaders are members in the seventh through ninth grade who assist leaders in leading projects. Teen leaders are members in tenth grade or above who lead project groups with a leader present. The 4-H Youth Development Program offers many programs for youth throughout the country and some around the world. 4-H offers projects to enrich skills, meetings to encourage social development and participation within club activities, camps, conferences, trips, exchange programs, and many other events meant to benefit the youth who are involved in this program. For a list of the projects and activities Reedley 4-H has to offer please visit the Projects webpage. Sections taken from the Fresno County 4-H website.
The 4-H Pledge
As a true 4-H member, I pledge... My Head to clearer thinking, My Heart to greater loyalty, My Hands for larger service, My Health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world.